Dr. Mig Feuser
born as Michael Preisinger in Rheinbach
(German state of North-Rhine-Westphalia)
married to Karen Elaine Preisinger
1981 – 1986 Deutsche Sporthochschule (DSHS) Köln (German Sports University), sports sciences, subject of the dissertation „Die historische Entwicklung der leichtathletischen Sprungwettbewerbe“ ("The Historical Development of Track & Field Jumping Events")
1986 – 1988 Officer's cadet at the German Army in Düren and Munster/Lower Saxonia
1988 – 1991 Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne), History and English literature
1991 – 1993 DSHS Köln, post graduate studies in sports sciences, subject of the doctoral dissertation: „Ursprünge der Leichtathletik – Laufen, Springen und Werfen von der Zeit der Philanthropen bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts“ ("Beginnings of Track and Field Athletics – Running, Jumping and Throwing from the Age of the Philanthropists until the End of the 19th Century.")
1996 Instructor development course with PADI in Whittlesey/England
1997 Doctorate in history and sociology at the DSHS in Cologne
Professional Occupations:
1986 – 1988 Soldier at the German Army (Tank Battallion 533 in Düren)
1988 – 1991 Track and field coach in Düren and for the Athlectics Association of the Northern-Rhine-Region (LV Nordrhein)
1991 – 1993 Scientific member of staff and lecturer at the Institute for Sports History of the DSHS Köln, beside that Freelance Journalist for TV stations in Europe and North America/Caribbean
1992 Discussion group coordinator at the International Olympic Academy (IOA) in Greece
1993 – 1995 Freelance marketing-consultant and author for travel companies (Inter Airlines Jülich, aeroplan Cologne) for planning catalogues and programs as well as freelance travel journalist
1995 – 2000 Freelance journalist and author of books, living in Nassau (Bahamas), Cologne and Pfullendorf (Germany)
2001 – 2003 Editor for daily newspapers of the Schwäbische Zeitung (Swabian Newspaper) in the local offices Ulm, Riedlingen, Sigmaringen and finally Laupheim, as well as in the sports department of the general edition
since 2004 Freelance journalist, artist and marketing-consultant, serving as correspondent for newspapers and TV-stations and -production companies around the world
2005 - 2007 temporary deployment as press officer of the German Forces in the state head quarter of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Schwerin
since 2006 writer for the Bad Doberaner Anzeiger
2008 - 2013 member of the council of the Association of Soldiers of the Reserve of the German Forces (VdRBW) for the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2008 - 2011 as officer of the reserve in the position of liaison officer for civil-military-cooperation of the German Forces for the state head quarter of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2011 - 2017 as staff-officer of the reserve head of the public affairs department for the State Head Quarter of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, rank Lieutenant Colonel of the Reserve.
2011 - 2015 scientific employee at the constituency office for a MP of the state's parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
since 2015 working as filmmaker, free lance author, journalist, correspondent, researcher and lecturer on subjects related to environment, travel and history
since September 2023 citizen of the USA and working as journalist for media worldwide and in the US
> Deutscher Journalistenverband (DJV - German Journalists' Association)
> Verband der Reservisten der Deutschen Bundeswehr (VdRBw - Association of German Reservists)
> Förderverein Poeler Kogge (Support Association for the rebuilding of the Medieval Ship "Poeler Kogge")