Publications Dr. Michael Preisinger/Dr. Mig Feuser
1990 Book: Die Sprungwettbewerbe der Leichtathletik (Jumping Contests of Track and Field Athletics) (Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Bern/Paris/New York)
Article: "J.C.F. GutsMuths und die Erziehungsanstalt Schnepfenthal" ("J.C.F.GutsMuths and the School at Schnepfenthal") in: Deutsches Turnen (German Gymnastics) 8(1990)
1992 Article: "Olympisches Gold - Olympisches Geld? Internationale Olympische Akademie 1992" ("Olympic Gold - Olympic Money? International Olympic Academy 1992") in: Olympisches Feuer (Olympic Flame) 5(1992)
Article: "DSM-Mitteilungen: Die GutsMuths-Gedenkstätte Schnepfenthal" ("DSM-News: The GutsMuths Memorial in Schnepfenthal") in: Olympisches Feuer (Olympic Flame) 5(1992)
1993 Exhibition: International Solidarity in the International Amateur Athletics Federation on the occasion of a congress at the Liederhalle in Stuttgart in order of the Organization Committee of the Athletics World Championships
Exhibition: Laufen Springen Werfen – 3000 Jahre Leichtathletik (Running Jumping Throwing – 3000 Years Track and Field Athletics) in the city hall of Stuttgart on the occasion of the Track and Field World Championships in order of the Organization Committee
Article: "DSM-Mitteilungen: Sportmuseen in Südafrika" ("DSM-News: Sports Museums in South Africa") in: Olympisches Feuer (Olympic Flame) 1(1993)
Article: "DSM-Mitteilungen: Sportmuseen in Indianapolis" ("DSM-News: Sports Museums in Indianapolis") in: Olympisches Feuer (Olympic Flame) 2(1993)
1995 Article: "Nova Scotia – Kanadas Provinz der Schiffswracks" ("Nova Scotia – Canada's Region of Shipwrecks") in: Sporttaucher (Sports Diver) 6(1995)
1997 Book: Das Bermuda-Rätsel gelöst – Taucher finden Beweise auf den Bahamas und Florida Keys (The Bermuda-Riddle Solved – Divers find Proofs in The Bahamas and Florida Keys), (Langen Müller Verlag, München) (1999 as paperback at Knaur, in Italian at Edizione Piemme, Romanian at Lucman, Latvian at Alberts XII, later on in Polish and Lithuanian)
1999 Book: AUTEC-Navy-Basis – Offizieller Kontakt zu einer anderen Welt? (AUTEC-Navy-Base – Official Contact to Another World?) (Verlag UFO-Nachrichten, Obergünzburg)
Article: “Bermuda Triangle Stargate? Do Newly Mapped Magnetic Anomalies Point to the Stars?”, in: Atlantis Rising, Nr. 18 (USA)
Article: “Vom Hochofen zur Raketenbrennkammer – Wirtschaft, moderne Technologien und Maschinenbau im Landkreis Sigmaringen“ ("From blast furnace to rocket engines – Economy, modern Technology and mechanical engineering in the county of Sigmaringen") in: s-mag – Wirtschaftsmagazin Landkreis Sigmaringen (s-mag – Economic Magazine for the County of Sigmaringen), Nr. 1
2001 TV-Documentations: Encounters with the Unexplained: The Bermuda-Triangle and Encounters with the Unexplained: The Philadelphia-Experiment, supporting Grizzly Adams Productions, USA, with the script
1998 – 2003: Numerous articles, reports, commentaries, comedies and interviews in the Schwäbische Zeitung, general part and in the local editions Pfullendorf, Laupheim, Ulm, Riedlingen, Leutkirch and Sigmaringen
2005 Book: Voodoo, Orisha & Co. - Eine Reise zu den afrikanischen Kulturen und Religionen der Karibik (Voodoo, Orisha & Co. - A Voyage to the African Cultures and Religions of the Caribbean) (bod, Norderstedt), 2. und erweiterte Auflage 2022 (Psi Pro Media) ISBN: 979-8826208588
Since 2006: Numerous articles, reports, commentaries, comedies, columns and interviews in the Ostsee Anzeiger
2008 - 2009: Cooperation with TV Rostock on several documentaries, and mockumentaries under the pseudonym Mig van Steinbrink
2008 TV-Documentary: Das Bermuda Dreieck (The Bermuda Triangle) in cooperation with Story House Productions Berlin for Galileo Mystery (Pro7)
2012 TV-Documentary: Paranatural: The Bermuda Triangle in cooperation with Story House Productions Washington DC for National Geographic Channel
2022 Book: Voodoo, Orisha & Co. - A Voyage to the African Cultures and Religions of the Caribbean (Psi Pro Media) ISBN: 979-8821006448
2022 Book: AUTEC Navy Base - Secret Contacts to Aliens? Or Crazy Conspiracy Theories? (Psi Pro Media) ASIN: B0D9NG5LVL
2022 Book: Staying Alive With Intuition - How the Sixth Sense Helps in Everyday Life and Critical Situations (Psi Pro Media) ASIN: B0D9J4BF6G
Present projects:
TV-Shows: several documentary and mockumentary projects in production and planning, see
Novel: Red Dot - Memoires of a likeable Serial Killer (under the Pseudonym Mig Feuser,
Collection of short stories: Mig's Magical History Tour (under the Pseudonym Mig Feuser,